Teaching at IIFA (India 3 of 5)

As part of our residency we would be teaching at the International Institute of fine Arts in Modinagar. We mainly taught in the large foundation department and BA painting. We also established an open class that students from all departments could attend.

Here are some of the classes we taught.

Foundation 4 

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We taught our first foundation class in the lecture theater. The aim of the class was to get the students used to identifying the main shapes when drawing a group of figures. The idea was for them to  try and capture the group as one main shape. It was also great to get the students modeling for each other.

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Class on perspective with Foundation year. Drawing the figure at different distances. Relating the figure to the space and each other, populating the paper with multiple figures.

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Class on Tone. Different approaches to working in tone.

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Still life structure. Looking at tone and  shape. Getting the students to Simplifying the complicated forms.

Painting 6  Painting 5  Monkey IIFA  Painting 3  Painting 2  Painting 1
Working with multiple references to compose a picture. The students gathered information from plants outside the school. They experimented with ink, using a rang of tools. The ideas were then composed onto a page before figures were added. (Spot the monkey that thinks ink is a tasty treat).

BA Painting  20131114_151526  20131114_154228  20131114_151408  20131114_142018  20131114_142007
Class on imagination and composition. The students used our installation as a reference point to create imaginary landscapes using a range of materials.

exploded chimneyIIFA is located in part of the old textile factory and is surrounded by abandoned factory buildings that are slowly crumbling and overtaken by nature. The area directly outside the Institute is utilised by the students to draw and paint from, including this exploded chimney.